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Community Resilience

Builds resilient communities and neighboring ecosystems to help plan and prepare for future wildfires.

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Working From the Home Outward

Our Eastern Sierra communities share borders with undeveloped land with high potential for wildfire. It is our responsibility as individuals to increase wildfire resilience on our properties through defensible space and home hardening. Through the implementation of the Firewise USA program, the primary goal of this project is for our region to be informed and proactive as we learn to coexist with wildfire. 


For more information on home preparedness visit:


This project is funded by Southern California Edison.

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40 Acres Fuel Reduction

This project will create a fuel break around the community of 40 Acres in Inyo County.



“Funding for this project provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire Prevention Program as part of the California Climate Investments Program.” 


Community Wildfire Protection Planning  

This project developed community wildfire protection plans (CWPPs) for the communities of Independence (including Oak Creek, Fort Independence, and Seven Pines) and 40 Acres in Inyo County and, is assisting with a county-wide plan for Inyo County.


For more information on CWPPs visit:

Inyo County Community Wildfire Protection Plan | Inyo County California

“Funding for this project provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire Prevention Program as part of the California Climate Investments Program.” 

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Environmental analysis for tribal land

This work helps with environmental analyses of fuel reduction projects on tribal land in the Owens Valley. We recently completed an environmental assessment for the Bishop Paiute Tribe.



“Funding for this project provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire Prevention Program” 

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Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program (RFCCP)

Whitebark has been the local host for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program in Inyo, Alpine, and Mono counties since 2020. Through this program, we attempt to coordinate wildfire risk-reduction activities, build local capacity for such efforts, and obtain grant funding and other support for wildfire safety projects.

This work is funded through a grant awarded by the California Department of Conservation

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